Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Know When to Stop - How to Keep from Killing Yourself Writing...

The hubby and I decided to take a two day vacation - just us, the kids and a fun place with no internet connection. Sounds great right? Well we have yet to do it. For years I always tried to get my husband to be spontaneous. Let's just go. Let's just run off for a day or two. He finally says yes and I'm booked.

I'm killing myself working. I'm out the cubicle, but I'm holed up in the office. The result is the same - I look longingly out of the window at the sun and blue sky. Sure I can take my laptop anywhere, but inertia has me stuck.

My four year old is still waiting for our art and fun bonanza to kick off and she's been out of school for two weeks now. Cue the violin and the tragic look of a pouting four year-old. My garden's overgrown and I'm overwrought.

A quick tweet and I realize I'm not alone. So how do we fix this situation? We make a decision and stick with it for a while to see how it works. A decision of not working past a certain time, no matter what. A decision to take a day or two off and SCHEDULE IT IN.

See it's easy to say you're going to do something. But why not schedule it like everything else? We writers adhere to our deadlines like cotton candy on four year-olds, adhere to the deadline of a freakin' break.

We've got the dream job people, let's take advantage of it. I shall take my own advice - at 2pm on Thursday my vacation starts. I shall not see hide nor hair of anything work related until Sunday evening. I just hope I don't go through withdrawal...


The Insane Writer said...

Great blog. I need a vacation. Not gonna happen anytime soon though. Doesn't have anything to do with my writing, however. My hubby is the main issue and finances.

Terreece M. Clarke said...

Insane - Looks like you're going to have to kidnap him and take 'em some place cheap - like a great local attraction with a hotel close by...