Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Freelance Writer Commandment #4 - Review Yourself

As if I planned this, I got my series out of order. Yesterday I posted my third writing commandment, however I had neglected to hit my fourth one first. Whoops. But it works out well because it proves my point.

Every writer should take the time to go back and review their work. Reviewing blogs helps you to see what topics did well, topics you can expand on, pick up on any errors or mistakes and respond to any comments you've forgotten. Reviewing articles and other projects allows you to see where you can improve, what you've done well and may lead to new ideas and perspectives.

Sometimes writers forget to go through their clip files and see the work they've accomplished. We just keep churning out the articles, but there is nothing like pulling out that clip bin and going "Hmmm, not bad, not bad at all." Nothing like a little pride to keep you loving what you do!

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